
The week we bought the farm in 2006 I signed up with the Alpaca Association of New Zealand and within a month purchased our first 2 alpaca wethers, and a month later purchased our first 2 females. We still have 3 of these animals and their offspring. I am also involved in the Nelson A&P show with animals, product, and demonstrations – shearing and weaving each year.

We had set our breeding goals and bought in specific stud males to improve our herd – that is until Alfie jumped the fence and helped himself to willing females!!!

Rock Ridge Craft School

I was selling and promoting alpaca product at the Nelson Farmers Market and Nelson Saturday Market as Rock Ridge Alpaca and also my other farm venture Rock Ridge Nuts. This was a great opportunity to network and share my dream with friends, suppliers, clients and tutors and has established the ground work for what I am now able to offer to you.

You have alpacas but don’t know what to do with the fibre?
Chat with me to discuss various options – do you want to send the fleece away and get an income? Find out who will take you fleece.

Do you want to learn to sort, wash, dye, spin or weave. I can definitely help with that.

Rock Ridge Craft School Rock Ridge Craft School 

Do you want to figure out where to send your fleece to get it washed, carded, dyed, or spun? I can help with that. Also I aim to send various coloured fleece off to the processors every 2 months for carded fibre and wool in return. Check the calendar for which colour which month and let me know if you want to combine your fleece to these shipments. Fill in the form and email me.

Rock Ridge Craft School

There are occasionally fibre or animal workshops, local and national shows, and conferences. If you are interested in learning more about alpaca be sure to talk with me and check out the webpage If you would like a workshop on alpaca care talk to me. I can get you answers or I have the support of the southern region to arrange workshops in this region.

Rock Ridge Craft School Motueka

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